Our organic range
Today, consumers are increasingly concerned about the quality of the products they consume. This trend can also be seen in the wine industry, where demand for organic wines is rising and the percentage of organic wine growers is increasing year after year.
Oenofrance wishes to contribute to the rapid expansion of organic wines through its offer of oenological services and products. To this end, we have adopted a genuinely organic approach: Green Care Alliance.
Oenofrance, via its oenological consultants, puts this approach into practice by assisting organic winegrowers. Today, due to recent European legislation that lays down the rules for production of organic wines, this specific support now includes:
- expert technical assistance for the production of wines in line with European organic legislation (Regulations CE 834/2007 et UE 2018/1584) and NOP (National Organic Program) regulations
- a wide range of Oenofrance oenological products that comply with European and US organic legislation
- a range of oenological products organically certified by Ecocert.
Authorized organic and NOP products
All our compliant products can be found on our website http://www.ecocert.com/intrants under the section "Organic agriculture / Inputs" or directly by clicking here: www.ecocert.com/intrants
N.B.: Users can provide their certification body with a printed page from the site, which will be considered as sufficient guarantee if it is accompanied by the guarantee on the bill.